

    Natalia Pinzón

    Main Contact:  310 4370394 [email protected]

    Natalia Pinzón

    Natalia Pinzón

    Regulatory Affairs Analyst 


    Pharmacy Regent with extensive experience in multinational and local companies of renown in the private and official sectors, in the areas of mass consumption, retail, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and hospital. Responsibilities focused on project leadership based on dossier assembly and registration with the health authority of the same with national and international scope.

    Knowledge and management of QMS ISO 9001:2008, Resolution 1418 – 1229, decision 516 (cosmetics), Resolution 00002015- 2009025533 – 3096, decree 3249 (dietary supplements), Resolution 1403, decree 2200 (medicines); regulatory management of medicines, phytotherapeutics, supplements, food and cosmetics.