

Taking into account that labor law is an important aspect for all companies, MORENO ADVISORS advises you not only in the event that you are sued before a Court, but in issues such as the permits that are granted, licenses, recovery of time, supplies, discharge procedure, factors that include as a benefit factor, which are transcendental and are set as a general rule in the internal work regulations, or in the employment contract.

Likewise, we advise you to terminate a contract adequately, to avoid future lawsuits, since according to our experience it is better to follow the due process, rather than pay compensations that are often unfair to employers. We provide, among others, the following services:

What do we do?

We provide, among others, the following services:
  • Labor audits.
  • Creation and review of labor contracts.
  • Mitigation of occupational risks through legal concepts derived from situations presented with workers.
  • Review of internal policies such as manuals, procedures, Internal Work Regulations and others that have an impact on the company.
  • Business work planning.
  • Disciplinary or discharge processes. Summons.
  • Workplace Harassment.
  • Advice on collective bargaining.
  • Advice on the revision of the Management and Occupational Health System, SG-SST.
  • Representation before the Ministry of Labor.
  • Request for overtime.
  • Accompaniment in the management of personnel with reinforced job stability.
  • Training for managers and staff as required by the company.
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In compliance with Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013, with the completion of this form, you authorize MPR MORENO ADVISROS S.A.S. to collect, store and process the personal data you have previously noted, which will be used for commercial purposes, activities aimed at developing the corporate purpose of the company, or regulate the business relationship. Remember that as owner of the data you have the right to know, update and rectify your data. For more information, we invite you to know our Policy of treatment of the information, that you can find in our page, or write to [email protected]

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    Nombre y Apellido:

    En cumplimiento de las Leyes 1581 de 2012, el Decreto 1377 de 2013, con el diligenciamiento de este formulario, usted autoriza para que MPR MORENO ADVISROS S.A.S. recolecte, almacene y trate los datos personales que ha anotado previamente, los cuales serán usados para fines comerciales, actividades tendientes a desarrollar el objeto social de la compañía, o regular la relación comercial. Recuerde que como titular de datos tienen derecho a conocer, actualizar y rectificar sus datos. Para mayor información, lo invitamos a conocer nuestra Política de tratamiento de la información, que encuentra en nuestra página, o escribirnos a [email protected]

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      Nombre y Apellido:

      En cumplimiento de las Leyes 1581 de 2012, el Decreto 1377 de 2013, con el diligenciamiento de este formulario, usted autoriza para que MPR MORENO ADVISROS S.A.S. recolecte, almacene y trate los datos personales que ha anotado previamente, los cuales serán usados para fines comerciales, actividades tendientes a desarrollar el objeto social de la compañía, o regular la relación comercial. Recuerde que como titular de datos tienen derecho a conocer, actualizar y rectificar sus datos. Para mayor información, lo invitamos a conocer nuestra Política de tratamiento de la información, que encuentra en nuestra página, o escribirnos a [email protected]

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